Monday, May 4, 2020

School interview- With my Mother

My interview with My Mother

Why? Because she went to O.I.S when she was a child too and I want to see the differences between my Mothers time at O.I.S and my time at O.I.S.

Q.How big was the school when you were there?

A.It was 10 classrooms and about 260 to 290 students  (in 2020 there are 10 as well)

Q.What was your favourite memory from O.I.S? and Why?

A.Year 8 camp because it was really fun and it was a good mix of kids. We did lots of cool activities like Abseiling, Orienteering, Bushwalks, Nighttime Obstacle course . Being in the bunk rooms with my friends were fun.

Q.Was Technology the same four as they are now?  (Hard mats, Digi, Food and Textiles, Art) what was your favourite

A. We didn't have Digi Tech and Hard Materials was split between woodwork and metalwork. My favourites were Woodwork and Art

Q.What have you noticed visiting the School this year that was different to when you were there?

A.The Hub and Learning Center were resource sheds, The Hall set up completely different to how we had when I was at O.I.S , Also we had a big obstacle playground / course that has been removed.

There you have it folks a quick Interview about O.I.S in 1993 compared to O.I.S in 2020.


  1. This is really interesting Levi! The big obstacle course they had sounded awesome - I wonder what it was like compared to our challenge course now?

  2. What a fascinating writing topic, Levi! It is so fun to know the history of a place you care about.

    I hope you will tell more about some of the things mentioned in your interview. Some of the subjects you mentioned are new to me, and I'd love to know more about them. It sounds like you get to experience a lot of wonderful opportunities there.

    What do you love about your school? It seems like there is a lot to love!

    Thanks for sharing.

    ~Miss Blessing
    STUBC commenter
    Vermont, USA

    1. Hello Miss Blessing,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog, I really cherish comments, And I will answer your question, I really like the big fields which are really good for playing Football (soccer).
      When you were at school what subjects did you take?.

