Sunday, February 23, 2020

top 10 things that make me happy-Levi

The top 10 things that make me happy!!!!
10. My guitar! it always makes me happy when I practice ( not when I'm doing  b minor though)
9.Cricket! I play a lot of cricket and it makes me very happy when the sun is behind me and you get a good catch!! I love eating. My favourite snack is a fresh brownie with whipped cream
7. Family! without them I couldn't do anything i am doing right now (i:e cricket,swimming)
6.friends! I have lots of friends and I'm happy that I do.
5.P.E I have so much fun when I get to throw dodgeballs at people
4.Books! I love a good read!
3.Football! I love Football TO much!
2.Traveling! I have traveled so much I love It even the long walks!
1.War history! I love history about ww1 and ww2 I don't know how but I can name most world wars warships