Monday, May 4, 2020

My opinions about my school

My opinions on O.I.S


The Canteen serves delicious food
Lots of Sportgear if you forgot to bring your ball / Accessories
Really nice teachers
Good field for playing games on
Great Sporting variety


Far away from my home
The school uniform is a bit strict (for my liking)
Weird rules about coming into school
Sometime teachers dismiss bullying 

1 comment:

  1. Hi again!
    These pro/con lists are a great idea to share information about your school. Sounds like you have an active school and you like that.
    How long does it take you to get to school? I wonder what the weird rules are that you mention?! I am sorry to hear that bullying is dismissed. We try our best to address it anytime it is an issue.
    Mrs. Calcagno #STUBC Commenter
